

EngagedMetrics is committed to securely protecting all data associated with your EngagedMetrics account.

All survey data collected is your property. We do not publish, sell, give away, willingly make available to others, or otherwise disclose any of your account information, survey questions, survey content, survey responses, your email addresses, including those used in your survey invitations, or any of your personally identifiable information.

EngagedMetrics does maintain the right to include the aggregated results from your survey in our benchmark database. Data included in our benchmark database is not identifiable to your organization.

We will make every effort to ensure that whatever information you provide to us will be maintained in a secure environment. We employ account emails and passwords so that only registered users can access the My EngagedMetrics area of the EngagedMetrics web site. Firewalls and other sophisticated hardware and software are employed to protect the servers, software and databases.

EngagedMetrics provides the means for organizations to create customized employee surveys and for employees to respond to them. We do not censor the questions or messages or graphics in the surveys or the invitations to take surveys, nor do we censor the responses provided by survey participant. The sender of a survey is solely responsible for the subject matter and all contents of the survey and survey invitations, and has agreed to EngagedMetrics’ Terms of Use agreement. Survey participants are solely responsible for the contents of their survey responses.

Changes to Privacy Policy

If EngagedMetrics wishes to change this Privacy Policy, it will publish changes on this Web site before those changes will take effect. Refer to EngagedMetrics’ Terms Of Use agreement for more information.